
Although I know that my assessment is biased by our conflicts of interest, I think I can say that we have managed to maintain or surpass, in this cycle, the level of organization, performance and scientific and social repercussions of the six sessions dispersed throughout the country, anchored in the enthusiasm and intelligence of the different teams involved in this adventure. Thank you very much for everything.


Pathologist, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Ipatimup

As part of the “Treat cancer for you” initiative, the sessions over the last two years have played a crucial role in disseminating scientific knowledge about cancer in Portugal. This book represents a compendium of those scientific concepts resulting from the discussions and presentations held during that period. It is intended to serve as an accessible and easy-to-understand source of information for anyone interested in the subject, thus contributing to cancer literacy in Portugal. In this context, it is important to highlight the fundamental role of Professor Sobrinho Simões in the conceptualization and development of these events. His commitment and leadership have been crucial to the success of this initiative and to the enrichment of this book.


Director of IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)

The cursed word “cancer”. In the past, people were ashamed to say they had cancer or that they had it. That’s why I think “Treating cancer for you” is a very important topic: being able to say that we’ve had it, that we have it or that we’re going to have it.


Mayor of Porto

I don’t understand the kind of denial that exists about science because I would never ask a shopkeeper or a taxi driver for their opinion on whether or not I should take the tests that have been presented here […] what I want is the opinion of these gentlemen who are here, who are based on more than 2,500 years of wisdom and science, method and responsibility.



I’ve dealt with the disease for a long time and suffered with loved ones. There have been several cases in my family, some of which have been poignant, one of them suffering day after day, but I’d rather not dwell on that. I find it more interesting – and for me less painful – to consider that pests and plagues, one by one, in one way or another, have been overcome over time by painstaking, persistent, arduous and not always recognized research.
Much is already being done to mitigate and morigerate the disease. Thousands of laboratories are studying it. One day the cure will come, with short-lived glory for the scientists who announce it. And so it has been. Challenge after challenge, we get around it and move on.
It has been, I say. It has been.
I hope it continues. Always!


Novelist, short story writer, playwright and screenwriter

It’s a great privilege to be part of this initiative, as journalists, citizens and professionals from Portuguese public radio. For all that we have learned and for the help we have given in spreading knowledge. An informed society is undoubtedly a healthier society.


Antena 1 journalists