This initiative includes scientists from Ipatimup and some of the best local specialists, who share their knowledge about lung, skin, prostate, breast, colon, endocrine system cancer, leukemia and lymphoma and pediatric tumors. They discuss scientific advances and therapies most recent, simplifying concepts, raising awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and prevention, and placing patients at the center of the discussion.
A total of 18 sessions has already taken place, with conferences in 10 cities (Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Covilhã, Évora, Faro, Funchal, Lisbon, Porto and Vila Real), which in 2025 they will be extended to 5 more cities (Bragança, Matosinhos, Ponta Delgada, Setúbal and Viseu).
In the 2025 edition the themes will be: “The role of heredity: the importance of family history and genetic studies”; “Life after cancer: care, recovery and quality of life”; “Cancer and environmental risks: pollution, radiation, sun, secondhand smoke and professional contaminants”; “Cancer, food and nutrition: myths and realities”; “Precision oncology medicine: innovative medicines and how to access these medicines”; “Prevention and early detection: which cancers can be prevented? What is the impact of screenings?”
We thank all participants, partners and the public.


Expresso: Sobrinho Simões: “What I see more are cases where the doctor exaggerated. He said it was malignant, and it wasn’t.”

Sic Notícias: “Tratar o Cancro por Tu”: initiative will pass through six cities

RTP: É ou não é? – The Big Debate

CNN: “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative starts this Thursday and will travel the country. “We want to use words that everyone can understand”

RTP: “Tratar o cancro por tu”

CNN: Sobrinho Simões Interview

RTP: Interview with Professor Manuel Sobrinho Simões on “Page 2”

Rádio Soberania: Aveiro receives the cycle “Tratar o cancro por tu”

Antena 1 [Facebook]

Antena 1 [Instagram]

Expresso: “A significant part of cancers is not about luck and bad luck, it is about lifestyle”

Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal: Tratar o cancro por tu – “Cancer, food and nutrition: myths and realities”

Matosinhos City Council [Instagram]

RTP: “Tratar o cancro por tu”. The aim is to increase knowledge about the disease

Matosinhos Municipal Chamber: Actress Rita Blanco was one of the guests of this initiative that took place at the Matosinhos Municipal Theater Constantino Nery

Matosinhos City Council [Instagram]

Antena 1 [Instagram]

Antena 1 [Facebook]

Escola Superior de Saúde – IPS [Instagram]

Jornal da Noite: Comment by Luis Marques Mendes

Matosinhos Municipal Theatre Constantino Nery [Facebook]

Matosinhos Municipal Theatre Constantino Nery [Instagram]

Matosinhos City Council [Instagram]

Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos: Matosinhos hosts a series of sessions on cancer literacy with Rita Blanco and Manuel Sobrinho Simões

Matosinhos City Council [Facebook]

Novum Canal: Ipatimup launches 4th edition of “Tratar o Cancro por tu”

University of Aveiro: “Tratar o cancro por tu”: 4th edition takes place in Aveiro

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu: Tratar o cancro por tu – Ipatimup

Roche: The “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative is back for a fourth edition
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