

First session of Ipatimup’s “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative was at the Rivoli Theater. Lung cancer was discussed.



António Araújo, Oncologist, Director of the Medical Oncology Service at Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto

Bárbara Parente, Pulmonologist, Head of Pulmonology Service at the Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia

José Carlos Machado, Specialist in Molecular Genetics, Vice-President of Ipatimup, Professor of Medicine at the University of Porto, and Coordinator of the Cancer Program at i3S

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder and President of the Ipatimup

Venceslau Hespanhol, Pulmonologist, Director of the Pulmonology Service at Centro Hospitalar de São João



Pedro Abrunhosa, Musician

Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto



Miguel Soares, Journalist, Antena 1

Tiago Alves, Journalist, Antena 1


“The cursed word, ‘cancer.’ In the past, people were ashamed to say they had cancer or had survived it. That’s why I think ‘Tratar o cancro por tu’ is an important theme: to be able to say we’ve had it, have it, or might have it.”

– Rui Moreira, during the “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative


“The worst cancer is the cancer of silence, the one that turns us inward and isolates us.”

– Pedro Abrunhosa, during the “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative