

The first session of the third edition of “Tratar o cancro por tu”, organized by Ipatimup, took place at Almeida Garrett Library, focusing on prostate cancer.



Carmen Jerónimo, Director of the Research Center at IPO, Scientific Coordinator of the IPO Biobank in Porto, and Leader of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Group

José Manuel Lopes, Pathologist at the University Hospital Center of São João and Senior Researcher at Ipatimup/i3S

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder, and President of Ipatimup

Paulo Dinis, Head of Urology at the Hospital São João



Pedro Abrunhosa, Musian



Miguel Soares, Journalist, Antena 1

Tiago Alves, Journalist, Antena 1


“I don’t understand the type of denial towards science because I would never ask for a shopkeeper’s or a taxi driver’s opinion on whether I should undergo the exams presented here […] I want the opinion of these gentlemen here, who are grounded in over 2500 years of wisdom, science, method, and responsibility.”

– Pedro Abrunhosa, during the first session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”


The Almeida The Garrett library returns to “Treat cancer by it’ first name”. Third edition of the cycle of sessions on cancer literacy starts on January 18 with a conversation between the director of the IPO research center, Carmen Jerónimo, the specialist in pathological anatomy at HSJ José Manuel Lopes and the director of Ipatimup Manuel Sobrinho Simões.

– News Porto. about the first edition of “Tratar o cancro por tu”