

The fourth session of Ipatimup’s “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative – Endocrine Tumors – took place in Covilhã, at the University of Beira Interior.



Jorge Lima, Molecular Genetics Specialist and Vice-President of Ipatimup

Luís Cardoso, Endocrinologist at CUF-Porto and Researcher at i3S

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder and President of Ipatimup

Paula Soares, Professor of Biopathology at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto and leader of the Cancer Signaling and Metabolism Group at i3S



Mário Raposo, Headmaster of the University of Beira Interior

Colibri – Arts&Culture, Theatre Group of the Matosinhos Association



Miguel Soares, Antena 1 Journalist

Tiago Alves, Antena 1 Journalist


“I want to thank Ipatimup and Professor Sobrinho Simões for bringing this session on cancer literacy to the Faculty of Beira Interior. It’s very important for a health sciences faculty located in the interior of the country, especially with this subject, which has a high incidence in our region. This debate is essential.”

– Mário Raposo, Headmaster of the University of Beira Interior, during the fourth session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”