

The third session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”, an Ipatimup initiative, was held at the Auditorium of the University of Coimbra. Focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.



Fernando Barata, Director of the Oncology Department at the University Hospital of Coimbra

Fernando Schmitt, Senior Researcher, Head of the Molecular Pathology Unit at Ipatimup, and Full Professor of Pathology at the University of Porto

José Carlos Machado, Specialist in Molecular Genetics, Vice-President of Ipatimup, Professor of Medicine at the University of Porto, and Coordinator of the Cancer

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder, and President of Ipatimup



José Pedro Figueiredo, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra

Jorge Serafim, Actor



Miguel Soares, Antena 1 Journalist

Tiago Alves, Antena 1 Journalist


“I have been dealing with cancer by it’s first name. I am a patient who has been living with cancer for some years, and I don’t use the term – which is very common – of ‘fighting cancer.’ […] I have been handling this disease with some fair play […] and I’m at peace with the possibility of walking towards death. I want to live well and be prepared for it.”

– A spectator, in testimony during the third session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”


“I was at the São Francisco Convent last year, even though I don’t have prostate cancer, I have lung cancer. […] I’m not naïve: I was a smoker; I haven’t smoked in 20 years, and I thought, like many people probably do, that I was free from that possibility. But since I’m not, I think it’s my role to contribute to education: when I see young people smoking, I like to tell them that my hair loss was due to an excess of cigarettes.”

– A spectator, in testimony during the third session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”