

The third session of the initiative “Tratar o cancro por tu” by Ipatimup took place in Coimbra, focusing on prostate cancer.



Arnaldo Figueiredo, Urologist, Director of Urology and Kidney Transplantation Services at Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra

Belmiro Parada, Urologist at the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra

José Carlos Machado, Specialist in Molecular Genetics, Vice-President of Ipatimup, Professor of Medicine at the University of Porto, and Coordinator of the Cancer Program at i3S

José Manuel Lopes, Pathologist at the University Hospital Center of São João and Senior Researcher at Ipatimup/i3S

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder, and President of Ipatimup



José Manuel Silva, Mayor of Coimbra



Miguel Soares, Journalist, Antena 1

Tiago Alves, Journalist, Antena 1



“I don’t remember any moment in my life when I wasn’t happy.”

– Sofia Isabel Vieira, in a video by Filipe Morato Gomes, created as part of the “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative


“I’ve already faced worse cancers than my own cancer.”

– Susana Luzir, in a video by Filipe Morato Gomes, created as part of the “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative