

The fifth session of the third edition of Ipatimup’s “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative took place in Braga, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.



Fernando Schmitt, Senior Researcher, Head of the Molecular Pathology Unit at Ipatimup, and Full Professor of Pathology at the University of Porto

Joana Pereira, Pulmonologist at ULS Braga, Researcher at i3S, and Secretary of the Lung Cancer Group of the European Respiratory Society

José Carlos Machado, Specialist in Molecular Genetics, Vice-President of Ipatimup, Professor of Medicine at the University of Porto, and Coordinator of the Cancer

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder and President of Ipatimup



Colibri – Arts&Culture, Theatre Group of the Matosinhos Association



Miguel Soares, Journalist at Antena 1

Tiago Alves, Journalist at Antena 1


““Cancer is becoming more common, and it will continue to increase in the coming years, but it is not a death sentence,” assured the professor, adding that “more than half of the people diagnosed with cancer are cured.” He also noted that “some cancers are worse than others,” one of which is lung cancer, the subject of the session in Braga. This is because it is typically detected late. However, screening systems and increasingly advanced therapies, such as “immunotherapy and targeted therapies, which have shown exceptional results,” are helping in the fight.”

– José Carlos Machado, in a statement to the University Radio of Minho, on the fifth session of “Tratar o cancro por tu”