

With the theme Breast Cancer, the second session of the event “Tratar o cancro por tu” took place in Braga, in the Youth Center Auditorium.


Cristiana Lopes, Psychologist, Team Coordinator in the Oncology Service at Braga Hospital

José Carlos Machado, Specialist in Molecular Genetics, Vice-President of Ipatimup, Professor of Medicine at the University of Porto, and Coordinator of the Cancer Program at i3S

Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Pathologist, Founder, and President of Ipatimup

Paulo Costa, Radiation Oncologist, Director of the Radiotherapy Service at Braga Hospital

Sérgio Castedo, Specialist in Medical Genetics, Responsible for the Genetic Diagnosis Unit at Ipatimup and for the Family Cancer consultation at the Champalimaud Foundation


Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga

Rui Barbosa Batista, Journalist, Blogger, and Travel Writer


Miguel Soares, Journalist, Antena 1


“Life is a long journey, sometimes filled with truly Herculean challenges. If pursuing our dreams is a sign of courage, what can be said of those who dare to face cancer? […] “Tratar o cancro por tu”: let’s humanize cancer!”

– Rui Barbosa Batista, Facebook, on the “Tratar o cancro por tu” initiative.