“Tratar o cancro por tu” brings together scientists from Ipatimup with some of the best local specialists for an open and simplified conversation about cancer, placing patients at the center of the discussion.

After two highly successful editions, Ipatimup’s initiative “Tratar o cancro por tu” returned, breaking beyond the walls of science, laboratories and clinics to travel the country and discuss the latest scientific and medical advancements in ​​cancer with the public. In 2024, between January and April, Ipatimup scientists and some of the best local specialists visited six cities to talk about prostate, breast, colon, endocrine system, lung and pediatric tumor.

In this new cycle of in-person sessions on cancer literacy, the goal was to debate the scientific progress and the latest therapies, simplify concepts, raise awareness about early diagnosis and prevention, and place patients at the heart of the discussion. Some of the best national specialists once again joined the initiative, including the constant presence Professor Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Ipatimup’s director, In 2024, there was also a special participation from the theatre and performing arts association from Matosinhos, Colibri Arts&Culture, which presented an artistic performance created especially for these sessions.

We would like to thank all the participants, partners and the public.

3rd Edition


Prostate Cancer


Breast Cancer


Colon Cancer


Tumores Endócrinos


Lung Cancer


Pediatric Tumors