Porto.: New cycle of “Tratar o cancro por tu” begins, focusing on prostate cancer

The Almeida Garrett Municipal Library once again hosts “Tratar o cancro por tu”. The third edition of this cancer literacy session cycle kicks off on January 18th with a discussion featuring Carmen Jerónimo, director of the IPO Research Center, José Manuel Lopes, specialist in Pathological Anatomy at São João Hospital, and Manuel Sobrinho Simões, director of Ipatimup.

Article: https://www.porto.pt/pt/noticia/novo-ciclo-de-tratar-o-cancro-por-tu-arranca-com-foco-na-doenca-oncologica-na-prostata?fbclid=IwAR1hR5SPJyYMMBg-lvhrF3Y0sEp8RpcxSVrQ852cY-ktGS6fHsPzmtb8zVY

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